One of the pleasures of sorting through things is finding old photos from previous adventures that are like hotlinks to memories. This one was from an adventure we had back in August 1988 when we were teenagers! This photo was taken in the small village of Kerhostin, at the narrowest point on the Quiberon pensinsula, in Bretagne, France. This was near the railway crossing on the way back from the boulangerie as you can tell. We camped there for a few days, and were between two very different seas, with the wild Cote Sauvage on one side and a few hundred yards away was the calm bay that curves round to Carnac and Morbihan. Lorna is modelling a beautiful and fondly remembered hippie dress and Dr Marten boots, which looks so cool teamed with that wild, windblown curly hair. I remember this was taken on one of the old disposable cameras.
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